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Game Setup - Behind the Scenes

Hello, everyone! Luke Linna again!

This time I'll talk more about how rhythm games are set up in the game world. Have a look at this window in Unreal:

This is the setup window for the rhythm games!

Up at the top are Chunks, sets of letters that define a part of the rhythm game. How many letters is determined by

the Beats Per Rotation value, which also controls how fast the Lure moves through the game.

BPM 1 and BPM 2 are both used to declare the real BPM of the game. The reason two values are used is so I can easily double or half the BPM of the song

depending on its requirements.

Beat Offset is how far away the lure should be before it gets to the first note. It's used for the 1 2 3 Go countdown that is common in most rhythm games.

Finally, Game Spline and Song are assets that can be referenced, changing the path that the Fish and Lure take during the rhythm game, and of course, setting the Song that plays during gameplay.

All of these values allow us to uniquely tailor the difficulty and nature of the levels of the game on a game-by-game basis!

Also, I'd like to spend some time talking about the in-world fish that I'm working on.

These fish move on a spline that is constantly moved forward, pushing the fish through the world.

Adding a simple wobble makes them appear as if they are swimming! Now, that's pretty neat.

Anyways, that'll be it! Look forward to checking out Divining Rods soon!

Luke Linna

from the Divining Rods team

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